The following information provides the document numbers and the address from which the official government documentation for NEC2 may be ordered: Numerical Electromagnetic Code (NEC) - Method of Moments Volume I & II NOSC TD 116 Order # ADA 075289 Volume III NOSC TD 116 Order # ADA 075460 In 1994, Vol I & II was $52 and Volume III was $27. Normal delivery is $6.00 Rush fee was $15 each (in 1992), if you If you don't need to rush, normal parcel post arrives within the same week. Note that the two volumes have the same NOSC numbers, but different ADA document numbers. Order Address: U. S. Department of Commerce National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield VA 22161 Phone: (703)487-4650 (The above order information provided courtesy of Kok Chen ) (Updated 1994 info courtesy of Scott WB4YZA ) Note: Vol. I & II is Ops & Code Vol. III is User Manual ------------------------------ Ray Anderson WB6TPU